The MHRA kill something of the order of 200,000 British a year by licensing drugs that kill, and denying people access to inexpensive remedies that work. The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency, as they are called, based in Victoria, London, have Big Pharma directors on their board, and protect the grotesque profits of the big pharmaceutical companies, at the expense of British lives.
Ten British public bodies have written reports stating they are corrupt. From the House of Commons Select Committee on Health, to the Lancet Medical Journal, to the BBC Panorama programme. The website lists all ten, with links to the original copies of the reports.
There is no question the MHRA is acting criminally, and must number psychopaths among its directors – ordinary people cannot kill without remorse.
A petition to disband the MHRA got 10,000 signatures in its first year, 2015, surprising, as few have heard of the MHRA. See
The MHRA: Government killers?
The government says it will read petitions with 10,000 signatures. The Department of Health’s reply was: “We have no plans to close down the MHRA,” and it backs up criminal investigations by the criminal MHRA into proven, successful treatments.
So a criminal body is considered appropriate, by the Department of Health, to carry out a criminal investigation. Has it not occurred to the Department of Health that the criminal MHRA is using criminal investigations for its own criminal purposes, namely closing down effective, inexpensive alternatives to Big Pharma’s drugs?

Ian Hudson MHRA CEO, Glaxo Smith Kline
One of the successful cures for cancer, GcMAF, was discovered 25 years ago. It has 200 scientists, 120 scientific research papers, and over 10,000 patients on it. It has no side effects, and costs £400 a month. Chemotherapy costs £40,000 a round.
The MHRA have concealed GcMAF from the public for 25 years. 160,000 British people die of cancer, every year. So about 1.5 million people are now dead as a result of the MHRA’s criminal activities.
The MHRA close the bank accounts of innocent British companies with successful products like GcMAF, using the Compliance BankingSystem, and Restraint Order law, where you are considered guilty without ever being given the chance to prove you are innocent. Both of these systems break the written British Constitution, and the EU Treaty of Fundamental Human Rights, where you have to be considered innocent until proven guilty. The MHRA also close the personal bank accounts of their directors and families, leaving them penniless, unable to buy groceries or pay the mortgage.
The MHRA are just one of hundreds of bodies in the billion dollar big pharma lobbying system, controlled by big pharma, or with big pharma directors on their boards, doing their bidding, spreading disinformation to keep their profits at the hundreds of billion dollar level.

Gerald Heddell, MHRA Director, from Glaxo Smith Kline
Cancer Research UK rubbishes inexpensive remedies that work, and drives people into the poison of chemotherapy, which has a 97.7% failure rate according to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, that studied 15,000 chemo cases. Cancer Research UK, who know cancer is already cured, must kill scores of thousands every year.
Patrick Swayse, Terry Wogan, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Lynda Bellingham, all would still be with us if they had been told about GcMAF. Agencies like these two specialise in murder for profit.
Please put “disband MHRA” into Google. The top hit is the petition, and please sign it.
Or please sign our petition at
Leah Wood is the daughter of Ronnie Wood, Guitarist of the Rolling Stones, and they have tweeted this campaign to their half million followers.
Its also been published in the Daily Mail Online, which has 55 million readers.
You can see the video Leah made at: