Are there any actions you would like to take to support these campaigns? For example, a street demonstration, starting a petition, writing to the press, writing to MP’s, writing for a website, a Peta protest, or social media?

Here we are detailing any correspondence we have sent out to support our campaigns, including replies and responses from the associated people and organisations!

Please navigate through the pages in the drop-down menu from the Action Log title.

We are very interested to hear from anyone else who has taken action including responses and replies. You may email us with information or leave a comment here for us to see!

If you would like to copy any wording of our correspondence to send to your local authorities or organisations, please do so. However, please make sure it is relevant to what is occurring in your area! Personalised letters always stand out more than duplicated ones, so try to put things into your own words whenever you can.


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