by Danielle Bryant
(PLEASE NOTE THIS ARTICLE IS WORK IN PROGRESS SO WILL BE REGULARLY ADDED TO! Please feel free to comment with your own thoughts or experiences below, or if you have any photos of posters advertising jabs or videos of immunisation TV adverts that you would like us to feature and analyse, please email them to us at )
To Immunise or Not To Immunise – THAT is the Question! It certainly is a question that only YOU can answer. I am hoping that this analysis of and insight into the propaganda surrounding the vaccine drives by local health authorities will help you to see how your logical thoughts are manipulated to make you afraid NOT TO vaccinate!
Vaccine season is certainly now upon us. We have seen many distasteful “advert” banners outside doctor’s surgeries stating “ROLL UP ROLL UP FOR YOUR FLU JAB” – like it’s some sort of circus – but then maybe this should tell us that we shouldn’t be taking the advertising and scare mongering seriously! But sadly it really IS a serious issue, especially to those who have been harmed by the vaccine.
The vaccination campaigns are almost all based upon a fallacy that appeals to our emotions and the emotion they use is fear. When we are afraid, especially for our health and the health of our children, we will do anything to help ourselves, but in truth this is just making us more vulnerable to misinformation.
What makes things worse is we trust what our GPs tell us, and they generally tell us there is nothing to worry about, but the fact is they are given increasingly large bonuses for the number of patients they vaccinate. As many surgeries/doctors come to rely on these bonuses their advice inevitably may become more profit-related than health-related.
While we are preparing further UK specific article and campaign about vaccines, please visit the extensive vaccine information section on website:-
Here is an excellent article entitled “Seasonal Flu Vaccines, Are They Safe or Necessary?”
Another article by the Sovereign Independent entitled “Conclusive link now admitted: Swine Flu Vaccine causes Chronic Nervous System Disorders”